From the Trenches: I’m Not Here to Make **it Pretty 

By Mercedez Thompson, MA, CP APMP, Shipley BDC Note: This article is an adaptation of a piece originally written for the Zweig Letter  In recent years, we’ve finally seen the efforts of national organizations like APMP—as well as the grassroots work of marketers inside their firms—pay off. Marketing professionals are being recognized for the important role they play in brand awareness and differentiation, business development, proposal management, and client satisfaction. Simply put,...

After more than two years of adapting to a pandemic, I have developed some poor work habits 

Behaviors are critical to growth and success, no matter what role you play in the proposal industry. For example, business development professionals must understand behaviors of their sales markets. A pursuit manager must know the habits of their clients to best position sales opportunities. Proposal managers must have knowledge of all the behaviors listed above… while also identifying behaviors of each internal team involved in a pursuit. Proposal managers think about key stakeholder issues fr...

Generational trauma and anxiety that won’t just “go away” 

Trigger Warning: This blog post discusses violence and current events regarding war. Read with caution.  Last year, one of our chapter newsletters featured an article about feeling sick due to high workload and stress levels – the “proposal flu.” Stress does have ways of manifesting itself in the body and it’s not always easy to shake. I have a recent example.  Earlier this spring, I could feel my anxiety levels rising. I was hosting a proposal kickoff meeting the morning after ...

Orange You Glad: A Modest Proposal (as it were) to Help Thrive through Challenging and Normal-ish Times

By: Todd Packer, CF APMP Introduction Forgive me. New to Zen. So, no disrespect intended, a beginner’s draft riddle to spark deep insight – a “koan”: “Before the proposal begins and after it ends, where is your proposal team?” During any proposal effort your team is clear. As outlined in the PMBOK, your allies - including professionals with skills in sales, capture, writing, graphics and technical fields -  the whole kaboodle with kit that transforms a dreary list of font...

Dear GMC – Tracking procurement portals

Dear GMC, I’m interested in finding help from APMP on sorting through procurement portals. There are so many portals that we, as proposal managers, need to keep track of. It takes time and resources to register, and there are often lengthy online registration forms. We need accurate log-in credentials so that we can submit proposals on time, but my practitioners are making accounts, and nobody is keeping track of the log-ins. Are there any best practices out there that could help? Sinc...

From Ops to Props

By Sheri Lytle, CF APMP (she/her) 2016 was a transformative year for me. I was in the best shape of my life, I ran my first (and last) half marathon, reached my weight loss goal --- and was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’ll spare you the gory details. A year of surgery, chemo, and radiation later, I was ready to tackle 2017 and make some major life changes. Life was too short and I wasn’t wasting one more second! Cap City Half Marathon - April 2016 Halfway through Chemo...

Dear GMC – Moving Out of State

Dear GMC,  I started my new job a year ago and haven’t worked a single day in the office. Not that it matters-- I work almost entirely with offices in another region. I have decided to move to another state in about six months, a state where my firm doesn’t have an office. The firm has been unwilling to make a post-COVID WFH policy, so I’m terrified I’ll be let go. How -- and when-- should I broach the subject with my supervisor?     Sincerely, Ill at Ease in Illinois Dear Ill ...

Dear GMC – CEUs Edition

By Heather Finch, CF APMP Dear GMC,  I am currently studying for the Foundation Level Certification exam. Do Continued Education Units (CEUs)  earned before certification count towards the requirement? For example, I recently attended an APMP webinar, and the credit doesn't appear in my CEU Journal. Should I enter this manually? Sincerely, C.E. Unit Dear C.E., Congratulations on taking this step to show dedication to your career and your craft! Achieving and maintaining APMP c...

Dear GMC – Industry Definitions

By Heather Finch, CF APMP Dear GMC,  Is the opportunity assessment the same as the go/no-go decision? What’s the difference between win strategy and price to win? How do these work with commercial proposals? Sincerely, Nichole and the GMC Certification Study Group Dear Nichole and the GMC Certification Study Group, Definitions abound in the proposal industry. According to the APMP Body of Knowledge (which is a great resource available for free to all APMP members!), the opport...